Call for Speakers

Submission Form Guidelines

  • Once you click on “Proceed To Session Submission”, you will be taken to the Speakers Login Page.
  • If you are a first time user, you will be required to Register and follow the submission process.
  • If you are a registered user, login with your credentials and submit a new session.
  • After submitting a session, you can refresh the page (F5) to view your submissions in a data grid below the form.
  • The submission form is for Breakout sessions. Each Breakout session is for one hour.
    Choose the correct level for your session. For example, Advanced sessions have more popularity.
  • Choose the correct track for your session.
  • Please do not use this form to submit pre-con sessions.
YouTube Links

  • While submitting your bio, you can provide YouTube links of your videos. This helps the sessions selection committee to review your presentation skills.
  • While submitting session ideas, you can provide YouTube links of your videos in case you have presented the same session at an event before.
  • In case you do not have any online videos, you may consider recording one, upload on YouTube and provide us with the links. If session selection committee gets to watch your videos, it may increase the chances of your session selection.


Proceed To Session Submission

Proposal Writing Guidelines

Use the following guidelines when submitting your session proposals. Failure to properly follow the guidelines may result in your submission being overlooked during the review process.

Tips For Successful Submissions

  • Include content that is new, exciting, unique or significantly refreshed (if previously presented).
  • Take a solution-oriented approach; include real-life customer adoption examples where possible.
  • Focus on currently released technologies or the ones that are in beta.
  • Do not add any marketing information.
  • Focus on demos. Sessions with demos get better feedback.
Writing Good Titles

  • A title should be succinct but have necessary info to entice the target audience to attend the session.
  • Avoid using a symbol, punctuation or a number as the first word of a title.
  • Do not use hyphens in titles. Use a colon instead.
  • No quotation marks are used in a title except around code names (very rarely).
  • No speaker names should be included in the title or abstract.
  • Titles are in Title Case Format.
  • Titles should not be too cute, nor too trendy, nor plagiarize.
  • Long product names should be included in the abstract to keep the title succinct.
  • Listing multiple or long product names in the title is less preferable to a succinct statement of the learner’s key take away after attending the session.
Writing Good Abstracts/Descriptions

  • A good abstract describes the content targeted and may mention the intended audience and detail the level of complexity.
  • Use correct spelling and grammar.
  • Remove references to speaker qualifications, like being an MVP. That is included in the speaker bio.
  • Do not include the speaker name in the abstract.