(Note: Posting this again for a test)
Hi Friends, Many of already know about different techniques to find out the edition of SQL Server that you are running. The simplest of all has been:
select SERVERPROPERTY (‘edition’)
However, there are 2 more server properties that I want to show you today which might be useful. Run the following code snippet and observe the output:
select SERVERPROPERTY (‘edition’)
select SERVERPROPERTY (‘EngineEdition’)
select SERVERPROPERTY (‘EditionID’)
The output on my machine is as follows:
SERVERPROPERTY (‘edition’) gives me “Developer Edition (64-bit)” – possible values could be:
‘Developer Edition’
‘Enterprise Edition’
‘Enterprise Evaluation Edition’
‘Standard Edition’
‘Express Edition’
‘Express Edition with Advanced Services’
‘Workgroup Edition’
‘Windows Embedded SQL’
SERVERPROPERTY (‘EngineEdition’) gives me 3 – possible values could be:
2 = Standard (This is returned for Standard and Workgroup.)
3 = Enterprise (This is returned for Enterprise, Enterprise Evaluation, and Developer.)
4 = Express (This is returned for Express, Express with Advanced Services, and Windows Embedded SQL.)
SERVERPROPERTY (‘EditionID’) gives me –2117995310 – possible values could be:
-1592396055 = Express
-1534726760 = Standard
1333529388 = Workgroup
1804890536 = Enterprise
-323382091 = Personal
-2117995310 = Developer
610778273 = Enterprise Evaluation
1044790755 = Windows Embedded SQL
4161255391 = Express with Advanced Services
So, you can see that you have various properties to find out the exact edition & exact feature set of an installed edition on the box.