Could not find a table or object named ”. check sysobjects – SQL Server Error 2501

The error “Could not find a table or object named ”. check sysobjects” tell that SQL Server can’t find the table or the object name being referenced in a query and it further tell to check whether or not the that table/object name exists in sysobjects system view.

To resolve this

–          Query sys.objects/sysobjects table to find whether the object exists or not.

–          Check the schema and

–          Check that if database is case sensitive or not

Let’s consider that the error is for table “tbltest”.  Let’s query sys.objects to look out for this table.


1_Could not find a table or object named ''. check sysobjects - SQL Server Error 2501

As shown in above snapshot, the table tbltest belongs to Person schema and should be referenced as Person.tbltest in a query.


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