SQL Server has in build function REVERSE to reverse string. A T-SQL example is given below
The function is very much direct. It takes an input string and returns the reversed string.
Another solution to reverse a string without using REVERSE function is given below
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].fn_reversestring ( @string nvarchar(max) ) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN ( WITH T1(number) AS (SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT 1), T2(number) AS (SELECT 1 FROM T1 AS a cross join T1 as b), T3(number) AS (SELECT 1 FROM T2 AS a cross join T2 as b), T4(number) AS (SELECT 1 FROM T3 AS a cross join T3 as b), Nums(number) AS (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) from T4) SELECT STUFF( (SELECT '' + SUBSTRING(@string,Nums.number,1) FROM Nums order by Nums.number desc FOR XML PATH('')),1,0,'') As ReversedString )
The above function is an inline table valued function which uses tally table to reverse the input string. The logic is pretty simple. The statement SUBSTRING(@string,Nums.numer,1) breaks the string into rows of alphabets and then the string is concatenated in descending order. The output of the function is given below.
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