Hi Friends,
I was neck-busy in an assignment so could not write for sometime.
Sometime back I wrote an article on monitoring page-splits using extended events. You can browse that article here
Today I want to talk about SQL Server capture deadlocks using Extended Events, but before I you read this blog post further, I suggest you first go through the previous article. The previous article explains some basics of Extended Events which I will not be doing here. Once you run through the previous article, feel free to come to this one.
Extended Events framework had a Dead Lock event:
select * from sys.dm_xe_objects where name = 'lock_deadlock'
And the event has some default columns that can be trapped:
select * from sys.dm_xe_object_columns where object_name = 'lock_deadlock';
Next, we want to create an event session based on the above event. Also specify the action and target.
CREATE EVENT SESSION DeadLocks ON SERVER ADD EVENT sqlserver.lock_deadlock ( ACTION ( sqlserver.database_id, sqlserver.client_app_name, sqlserver.sql_text ) ) ADD TARGET package0.asynchronous_file_target ( SET filename = 'C:\Amit\capture_DeadLocks.xel', metadatafile = 'C:\Amit\capture_DeadLocks.mta', max_file_size = 10, max_rollover_files = 10); GO
Finally, start the event.
Now, let us simulate a deadlock.
In a new query window, say connection 1, execute the following code:
-- connection 1 use AdventureWorks GO BEGIN TRAN update Person.Contact set FirstName = 'Amit' where ContactID = 1
From another query window, say connection 2, execute the following code:
-- connection 2 use AdventureWorks GO BEGIN TRAN update Person.Contact set LastName = 'BAnsal' where ContactID = 2
Back to connection 1, read the record that has been locked by connection 2; the query will wait
-- connection 1 select * from Person.Contact where ContactID = 2
And from connection 2, read the record locked by connection 1; deadlock will occur now and one of the two transactions will be chosen as a victim:
-- connection 2 select * from Person.Contact where ContactID = 1
At this time you can roll back both the transactions.
Stop the event now.
You can now see that 2 files have been created in the folder you specified in Target section. Let us extract the event data. Replace the filenames appropriately. Extended Events framework provides a function to read the event data file which I am using here to get the data into a temporary table.
-- extract the data -- replace the filenames with your filenames DECLARE @xel_filename varchar(256) = 'C:\Amit\track_page_splits_0_129689559924490000.xel' DECLARE @mta_filename varchar(256) = 'C:\Amit\track_page_splits_0_129689559924490000.mta' SELECT CONVERT(xml, event_data) as Event_Data INTO #File_Data FROM sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file(@xel_filename, @mta_filename, NULL, NULL)
Next, you can preview the data.
-- preview the data select * from #File_Data
You can click on the XML link in the results pane and you will observe XML payload something like this…
<event name="lock_deadlock" package="sqlserver" id="70" version="1" timestamp="2011-12-21T15:48:11.461Z"> <data name="resource_type"> <value>7</value> <text>KEY</text> </data> <data name="mode"> <value>3</value> <text>S</text> </data> <data name="owner_type"> <value>1</value> <text>Transaction</text> </data> <data name="transaction_id"> <value>18905</value> <text /> </data> <data name="database_id"> <value>9</value> <text /> </data> <data name="lockspace_workspace_id"> <value>0x000000008006c280</value> <text /> </data> <data name="lockspace_sub_id"> <value>1</value> <text /> </data> <data name="lockspace_nest_id"> <value>1</value> <text /> </data> <data name="resource_0"> <value>88</value> <text /> </data> <data name="resource_1"> <value>131328</value> <text /> </data> <data name="resource_2"> <value>1957881960</value> <text /> </data> <data name="deadlock_id"> <value>356</value> <text /> </data> <action name="database_id" package="sqlserver"> <value>9</value> <text /> </action> <action name="client_app_name" package="sqlserver"> <value>Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio - Query</value> <text /> </action> <action name="sql_text" package="sqlserver"> <value>select * from Person.Contact where ContactID = 2</value> <text /> </action> </event>
You can use XQuery to read the XML event information. Or figure the event data manually. Observe the last element (action name=”sql_text”) which has the query that was chosen as the victim.
— 2008
— bug fixed with this https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/404168/invalid-xml-in-extended-events-xml-deadlock-report-output
select CAST(
REPLACE(XEventData.XEvent.value(‘(data/value)[1]’, ‘varchar(max)’),
”, ”),
as xml) as DeadlockGraph
(select CAST(target_data as xml) as TargetData
from sys.dm_xe_session_targets st
join sys.dm_xe_sessions s on s.address = st.event_session_address
where name = ‘system_health’) AS Data
CROSS APPLY TargetData.nodes (‘//RingBufferTarget/event’) AS XEventData (XEvent)
where XEventData.XEvent.value(‘@name’, ‘varchar(4000)’) = ‘xml_deadlock_report’
Hi Amit,
Thanks a lot for the article. your help is much appreciated. but I could not extract the SQL_Text. any idea
My output looks like this :
Microsoft Windows Operating System
Unable to retrieve SQL text
In the same fastion, does table Scan information can be captured ?