Hi Friends,
This is my sixth blog on SQL Server Trace Flag 3502 in the series of One Trace Flag a Day. You can go to all blogs under this series by clicking here.
Trace Flag 3502 is related to SQL Server Checkpoint. I hope we all are aware of checkpoint in SQL Server. Those who are not aware of it click here.
Sometimes during troubleshooting you may need such type of information like when checkpoint process started and ended. This trace flag can really help you in such scenario. If you will enable Trace Flag 3502, then it will write checkpoint start and end messages in the SQL Server error log.
Let me show you this practically:
Use master go DBCC TRACEON(3502,-1) go create database CheckpointTest go alter database CheckpointTest set recovery SIMPLE; go use CheckpointTest go create table checktable (a int, b int) go insert into checktable values(101,232) go 100 exec sp_cycle_errorlog go checkpoint go
From the above code output, I will show you the error log entries for checkpoint due to trace flag 3502. To see the error log entries run the below command.
exec xp_readerrorlog
PS: Do not use trace flags in production environment without testing it on non production environments and without consulting because everything comes at a cost.
Prince Kumar Rastogi
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