As a Database Administrator, we all are normally involved in Setting up SQL Server Transactional Replication on our environment.Apart from setting up Transactional Replication, performing a proper maintainence of the same is also very important. In this exclusive article, Satnam Singh, a Senior SQL Server DBA from Larsen&Toubro Infotech,Mumbai,India discusses one such Real World scenario which he used on his Production Servers to ensure that the performance of the database on the Reporting Server which was receiving data via Transactional Replication from the OLTP Server is excellent even after the Replication is re-configured.
Every year, we perform an activity named HotFix promotion wherein the vendor who has developed the Application performs some enhancement on the database. In order to perform this HotFix promotion, the Pre-Requisite is to break the Transactional Replication between the OLTP and the Reporting Server and once everything is promoted well, the same needs to be re-configured again. On the Reporting Server, we have build plenty of Indexes for better performance of the SSRS reports. Just FYI, the OLTP and the Reporting Server were in the same Data Centre in the United States of America.On the Reporting Server, we have kept SQL Server Indexes On a Secondary Data File kept on a Seperate Dedicated Drive of 200 GB, RAID 10 for better performance. The size of the Production OLTP Database is around 91 GB whereas the size of the Reporting Database is more than that i.e. around 130 GB, this is due to indexes contributing to an increase in size.
Since the Database Size is huge, therefore I would never recommend using the GUI for setting up the Transactional Replication, instead I would go for Replication without a Snapshot method wherein I would use the Database Backups to configure the Replication.Once the Transactional Replication is configured using the OLTP Database backup, I would loose all the indexes which were created manually against the Reporting Database for better performance. In order to ensure that I have all the indexes and statistics on the Reporting Server exactly the same as before the HotFix promotion, I performed the following steps:
- A day before the HotFix promotion started, I took the backup of all the SQL Server Indexes. In order to take the backup of all the SQL Server Indexes, I used the below T-SQL script
SELECT ixz.object_id, tablename = QUOTENAME( + '.' + QUOTENAME((OBJECT_NAME(ixz.object_id))), tableid = ixz.object_id, indexid = ixz.index_id, indexname =, isunique = INDEXPROPERTY (ixz.object_id,,'isunique'), isclustered = INDEXPROPERTY (ixz.object_id,,'isclustered'), indexfillfactor = INDEXPROPERTY (ixz.object_id,,'indexfillfactor') INTO #tmp_indexes FROM sys.indexes ixz INNER JOIN sys.objects obz ON ixz.object_id = obz.object_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas scmz ON obz.schema_id = scmz.schema_id WHERE ixz.index_id > 0 AND ixz.index_id < 255 ---- 0 = HEAP index, 255 = TEXT columns index --AND INDEXPROPERTY (ixz.object_id,,'ISUNIQUE') = 0 -- comment out to include unique and AND INDEXPROPERTY (ixz.object_id,,'ISCLUSTERED') = 0 -- comment out to include PK's ALTER TABLE #tmp_indexes ADD keycolumns VARCHAR(4000), includes VARCHAR(4000) GO DECLARE @isql_key VARCHAR(4000), @isql_incl VARCHAR(4000), @tableid INT, @indexid INT DECLARE index_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT tableid, indexid FROM #tmp_indexes OPEN index_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM index_cursor INTO @tableid, @indexid WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS <> -1 BEGIN SELECT @isql_key = '', @isql_incl = '' SELECT @isql_key = CASE ixcolz.is_included_column WHEN 0 THEN CASE ixcolz.is_descending_key WHEN 1 THEN @isql_key + COALESCE(,'') + ' DESC, ' ELSE @isql_key + COALESCE(,'') + ' ASC, ' END ELSE @isql_key END, @isql_incl = CASE ixcolz.is_included_column WHEN 1 THEN CASE ixcolz.is_descending_key WHEN 1 THEN @isql_incl + COALESCE(,'') + ', ' ELSE @isql_incl + COALESCE(,'') + ', ' END ELSE @isql_incl END FROM sysindexes ixz INNER JOIN sys.index_columns AS ixcolz ON (ixcolz.column_id > 0 AND ( ixcolz.key_ordinal > 0 OR ixcolz.partition_ordinal = 0 OR ixcolz.is_included_column != 0) ) AND ( ixcolz.index_id=CAST(ixz.indid AS INT) AND ) INNER JOIN sys.columns AS colz ON colz.object_id = ixcolz.object_id AND colz.column_id = ixcolz.column_id WHERE ixz.indid > 0 AND ixz.indid < 255 AND (ixz.status & 64) = 0 AND = @tableid AND ixz.indid = @indexid ORDER BY, CASE ixcolz.is_included_column WHEN 1 THEN ixcolz.index_column_id ELSE ixcolz.key_ordinal END IF LEN(@isql_key) > 1 SET @isql_key = LEFT(@isql_key, LEN(@isql_key) -1) IF LEN(@isql_incl) > 1 SET @isql_incl = LEFT(@isql_incl, LEN(@isql_incl) -1) UPDATE #tmp_indexes SET keycolumns = @isql_key, includes = @isql_incl WHERE tableid = @tableid AND indexid = @indexid FETCH NEXT FROM index_cursor INTO @tableid,@indexid END CLOSE index_cursor DEALLOCATE index_cursor DELETE FROM #tmp_indexes WHERE keycolumns = '' SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT 'IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''' + ti.TABLENAME + '''' + ') AND name = N' + '''' + ti.INDEXNAME + '''' + ')' ' ' + 'CREATE ' + CASE WHEN ti.ISUNIQUE = 1 THEN 'UNIQUE ' ELSE '' END + CASE WHEN ti.ISCLUSTERED = 1 THEN 'CLUSTERED ' ELSE '' END + 'INDEX ' + QUOTENAME(ti.INDEXNAME) + ' ON ' + (ti.TABLENAME) + ' ' + '(' + ti.keycolumns + ')' + CASE WHEN ti.INDEXFILLFACTOR = 0 AND ti.ISCLUSTERED = 1 AND INCLUDES = '' THEN /*ti.Filter_Definition +*/ ' WITH (SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF) ON [SECONDARY]' WHEN INDEXFILLFACTOR = 0 AND ti.ISCLUSTERED = 0 AND ti.INCLUDES = '' THEN /*ti.Filter_Definition +*/ ' WITH (ONLINE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF) ON [SECONDARY]' WHEN INDEXFILLFACTOR <> 0 AND ti.ISCLUSTERED = 0 AND ti.INCLUDES = '' THEN /*ti.Filter_Definition +*/ ' WITH (ONLINE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, FILLFACTOR = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),ti.INDEXFILLFACTOR) + ') ON [SECONDARY]' WHEN INDEXFILLFACTOR = 0 AND ti.ISCLUSTERED = 0 AND ti.INCLUDES <> '' THEN ' INCLUDE ('+ti.INCLUDES+') WITH (ONLINE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF) ON [SECONDARY]' ELSE ' INCLUDE('+ti.INCLUDES+') WITH (FILLFACTOR = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),ti.INDEXFILLFACTOR) + ', ONLINE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF) ON [SECONDARY]' END FROM #tmp_indexes ti JOIN sys.indexes i ON ti.Object_id = i.object_id and ti.indexname = JOIN sys.filegroups fg on i.data_space_id = fg.data_space_id WHERE LEFT(ti.tablename,3) NOT IN ('sys', 'dt_') --exclude system tables ORDER BY ti.tablename, ti.indexid, ti.indexname DROP TABLE #tmp_indexes
Once the above T-SQL is executed, we will get a T-SQL to create all the indexes in the output. Also on the Reporting Server, since the Clustered Index resides on the Primary Data File itself therefore the above T-SQL has been written in such a manner that only the Non Clustered Indexes will be scripted out.
- Once the indexes has been scripted out,the next step is to generate a script of all the statistics present in the database on the Reporting Server. In order to take the backup of all the SQL Server Statistics, I use the below T-SQL.
SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @columnname VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @tablename SYSNAME DECLARE @statsname SYSNAME DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(4000) DECLARE @NAME VARCHAR(MAX) declare @i INT declare @j INT create table #temp ( tablename varchar(1000), statsname varchar(1000), columnname varchar(1000) ) insert #temp(tablename,statsname,columnname) SELECT DISTINCT OBJECT_NAME(s.[object_id]), AS StatName, COALESCE(@NAME+ ', ', '') FROM sys.stats s JOIN sys.stats_columns sc ON sc.[object_id] = s.[object_id] AND sc.stats_id = s.stats_id JOIN sys.columns c ON c.[object_id] = sc.[object_id] AND c.column_id = sc.column_id JOIN sys.partitions par ON par.[object_id] = s.[object_id] JOIN sys.objects obj ON par.[object_id] = obj.[object_id] WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(s.OBJECT_ID,'IsUserTable') = 1 AND (s.auto_created = 1 OR s.user_created = 1) create table #temp1 ( id int identity(1,1), tablename varchar(8000), statsname varchar(8000), columnname varchar(8000) ) insert #temp1(tablename,statsname,columnname) select tablename,statsname,stuff( ( select ','+ [columnname] from #temp where statsname = t.statsname for XML path('') ),1,1,'') from (select distinct tablename,statsname from #temp )t SELECT @i=1 SELECT @j=MAX(ID) FROM #temp1 WHILE(@I<=@J) BEGIN SELECT @statsname = statsname from #temp1 where id = @i SELECT @tablename = tablename from #temp1 where id = @i SELECT @columnname = columnname from #temp1 where id = @i SET @sql = N'CREATE STATISTICS '+QUOTENAME(@statsname)+space(1)+'ON'+space(1)+QUOTENAME(@tablename)+'('+QUOTENAME(@columnname) +')' -- --EXEC sp_executesql @sql PRINT @sql SET @i = @i+1 END DROP TABLE #temp DROP TABLE #temp1
Once the above T-SQL is executed, you will get the script of all the SQL Server statistics present in the database.
- Set up the Transactional Replication between the OLTP and Reporting Servers using the concept of Replication Without a Snapshot. I have already discussed the same concept in one of my articles published a couple of days back on the below link;
- On the Reporting SQL Server, please create a Secondary FILEGROUP which will host the SQL Server Indexes.
- Drop all the SQL Server Non Clustered Indexes on the Reporting Server using the below T-SQL:
<pre class="brush:sql">DECLARE @ownername SYSNAME DECLARE @tablename SYSNAME DECLARE @indexname SYSNAME DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(4000) DECLARE dropindexes CURSOR FOR SELECT,, FROM sys.indexes ixz JOIN sys.objects ON ixz.OBJECT_ID = objects.OBJECT_ID JOIN sys.schemas ON objects.schema_id = schemas.schema_id WHERE ixz.index_id > 0 AND ixz.index_id < 255 AND objects.is_ms_shipped = 0 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE = AND INDEXPROPERTY (ixz.object_id,,'ISCLUSTERED') = 0 ORDER BY objects.OBJECT_ID, ixz.index_id DESC OPEN dropindexes FETCH NEXT FROM dropindexes INTO @indexname, @tablename, @ownername WHILE @@fetch_status = 0 BEGIN SET @sql = N'DROP INDEX '+QUOTENAME(@ownername)+'.'+QUOTENAME(@tablename)+'.'+QUOTENAME(@indexname) PRINT @sql --EXEC sp_executesql @sql FETCH NEXT FROM dropindexes INTO @indexname, @tablename, @ownername END CLOSE dropindexes DEALLOCATE dropindexes </pre>
- Run the T-SQL script for Index Creation on the Reporting Server which we have discussed in Point No 1 above.Please note that once the Index Creation script is executed, all the indexes will reside on a Secondary FileGroup hosted on a Seperate Drive of RAID 10 as discussed in the beginning of the article.
- Run the T-SQL script for Statistics Creation which we have just used above.
- Execute the job to perform the Re-Indexing and Update Statistics of the database. The scripts for the same is as follows:
Script to Re-index all the tables of the Database:
DECLARE @dbname varchar(1000), @parentname varchar(255), @SQLSTR VARCHAR (1000), @ctrl CHAR (2), @command varchar(1000) SET @ctrl = CHAR (13) + CHAR (10) DECLARE DBCUR CURSOR FOR select [name] from sysdatabases where name not in ( 'master', 'model', 'tempdb' ) order by 1 OPEN DBCUR FETCH NEXT FROM DBCUR INTO @dbname WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN select @command = ' use ['+@dbname+'] Exec sp_MSForEachtable ''DBCC DBREINDEX ("?")'' ' exec (@command) FETCH NEXT FROM DBCUR INTO @dbname END CLOSE DBCUR DEALLOCATE DBCUR GO
Script to perform the Update Statistics of all the tables in the Database:
DECLARE @dbname varchar(1000), @parentname varchar(255), @SQLSTR VARCHAR (1000), @ctrl CHAR (2), @command varchar(1000) SET @ctrl = CHAR (13) + CHAR (10) DECLARE DBCUR CURSOR FOR select [name] from sysdatabases where name not in ( 'master', 'model', 'tempdb' ) order by 1 OPEN DBCUR FETCH NEXT FROM DBCUR INTO @dbname WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN select @command = ' use ['+@dbname+'] Exec sp_MSForEachtable ''update statistics ? with fullscan'' ' exec (@command) FETCH NEXT FROM DBCUR INTO @dbname END CLOSE DBCUR DEALLOCATE DBCUR GO
- Once Re-indexing and Update Statistics is completed,please check the performance of the queries involved in the SSRS Reports.There might be few cases wherein a query might perform poor during the First Iteration but the performance of the same improves drastically when executed twice or thrice.
This was one such approach which I used in my Infrastructure to ensure that even though at any Point of Time, I am required to re-configure the Transactional Replication between the OLTP and the Reporting Server, it’s performance remains the same to the state as it was before.
Many Thanks to all the readers for providing their valuable time in reading the blog post. My Sincere Thanks to my Team Members at L&T Infotech with whom I have spend considerable amount of time in developing this solution.If you have any valuable suggestions which can help us to improve this article, then please do let us know.
Satnam Singh
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Good article ,we also normally use same type of replication process in SQL while configuring our engineering application called smartplant3d(Intergraph) as a front end& SQL as a backend.
Hi ThereCan you perhaps help me with a SQL srcipt/command (select * from .) to access the inventory module in Pastel Evolution.I want to change the project per line on an order placed and GRV’ed but not invoiced yet, as perGL where you can use select * from PostGL but this only gives access to lines already recieved as stock and Supplier invoiced. Select * from InvNum also just gives access to posted lines to a AP invoice but I need to be able to change project id’s per line to ensure more accurate project costing.Thanks a bunch
Hi Satnam,
I need help from you as we already had a transactional replication setup, but few days ago sql server (having publisher database) is upgraded from sql server 2000 to 2008 , we have more than subscribers on other server having sql server 2000.Now we are facing issue *execute permission denied on object sp_ms_replication_installed* and referencing *Microsoft SQL Server Error 229*. Please help me out.Do i need to setup new replication or what else work for me ??