Dear SQL Geeks,
Brace yourself as we announce the next speaker of SSGAS 2016!
Join me in welcoming the TSP in Azure IoT team from Microsoft
Kishore Shetty
Please join me in welcoming Kishore Shetty to the second edition of Asia’s largest SQL Conference, the one who needs no introduction in the SQL world, yet I want to take the privilege of introducing him to the SQL community in Asia!
Kishore Shetty is a Technology Solution Professional for IOT with Microsoft SMSG Group which delivers advanced workload of Azure PaaS based platforms such as IOT and Analytics to end customer. Kishore has around 16 years of experience in the IT industry where last 4 years spent extensively on IOT – Platform development, Industry 4.0 based solutions and consumer IOT products (Smart Home, Next Gen Enterprise). Kishore being part of IOT platform incubation team which constantly engages and onboards partners to deliver the IOT solutions. Prior to Microsoft, Kishore worked for Bosch Group of companies delivered many IOT solutions to customers as well part of M2M platform development team (Bosch IOT suite). Kishore was a developer for Open Source Eclipse Hawkbit which is the open source version of Bosch IOT provisioning platform. Kishore has expertise and delivered BPM & BRM (Bosch Inubit, Bosch Visual Rules, Open source based) solutions which are part of Bosch IOT suite. Expertise on Microsoft Azure IOT, Bosch IOT and Prosyt (A Bosch company) defines Kishore a hands on IOT technical geek. A thought leader in social technical forums (LinkedIn, Twitter) – delivered many talks on digital transformation and IOT. Social blogger and serious marathoner are non-technical traits of Kishore
Kishore will be a rock star speaker at the second edition of the Asia’s Largest SQL Conference.
Kishore will be delivering a breakout session at SQLServerGeeks Annual Summit 2016 on IoT. Kishore is equally excited to be part of Asia’s largest SQL conference.
Simply put, what a privilege to continue announcing SQL rockstars for SSGAS 2016. The battery of power-packed speakers is just getting better at the SQL community in Asia.
What does it mean for you? This is once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hear him, meet him and learn from the expert!
Still not registered for the conference? Grab the June pricing. Reserve your seat now!
Let your boss know today that Kishore Shetty is coming to SSGAS 2016 and you want to attend his session – THIS IS UN-MISS-ABLE!
Do share and spread the word!
And I hope you have not missed the highlights from SSGAS 2015.
SQLServerGeeks Annual Summit will be a mega event – For the second year in a row for SQL Community, By the SQL Community, Of the SQL Community! And this is going to be a star studded event!