Rishi Maini


Rishi Maini

Escalation Engineer, Microsoft, India

Rishi is an Escalation Engineer in Microsoft and is aligned with the SQL Server support for the past 10 years. He has a vast experience primarily in SQL Server Engine and Performance areas. He is also a Subject Matter Expert in SQL Replication. He works closely with the SQL product team on supportability of new features and bug fixing on existing features, thereby making SQL a better and preferred RDBMS choice.


Session Details

Session Title & Code Abstract Level Track
Replication Troubleshooting & Performance – (DBA-01I) Transactional replication – Agent failure troubleshooting
Transactional replication – Latency troubleshooting
Merge replication – Basics/Concepts
Merge replication – Troubleshooting, best practices
Replication and AlwaysOn (If time permits)
Intermediate DBA


Don’t miss SQLServerGeeks Annual Summit at NIMHANS Convention Centre in Bangalore, August 27 – 29, 2015!

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